X ALTACLERENSIS - The 'Highclere
result of a cross between Ilex aquifolium and I. perado. They usually
make large shrubs or small to medium-sized trees of vigorous growth
with large handsome leaves. Very good in industrial and seaside
conditions. |
Large, handsome evenly-spined leaves, glossy and dark. Green stems.
Male. |
A very hardy, vigorous medium-sized tree with broadly ovate shiny green
leaves. Free fruiting. |
Dark glossy leaves, only a few spines and with abundant orange-red
fruit. Female. c 1874. |
Belgica Aurea

Known as 'Silver Sentinel'. Gold-edged leaves with few spines and abundant
large orange-red fruit. This will make a beautiful tree. Female. c 1908. |

Beautiful purple-green leaves, almost spineless, and large red berries.
Female. c 1865. |
Golden King

A sport of 'Hendersonii' Gold-edged spineless leaves, good red berries
- a great favourite. Female. c 1884. |
A vigorous female holly with dull green leaves and abundant
reddish-brown berries, c early 1800's. |

A strong and vigorous holly with purple stems and dark green round and
oval leaves. Male. c 1800. |
Dark green glossy leaves with a narrow
creamy-white border. A vigorous grower with red berries. A sport from
'Hendersonii'. Female. c 1800. |
James G. Esson
Dark green, glossy, broadly ovate leaves, purple-green stems. Vivid red
fruit. Vigorous rapid growth. Female. |
A strong-growing green stemmed clone with glowing green almost
spineless leaves. 1952 Male. |

Large centrally gold and green splashed leaves. Reverting shoots must
be removed. Good red berries. Female. c 1894. |
A vigorous holly with large leaves and reddish-purple stems and bold,
regular spines. Male. 1898. |
A male clone with large dark green oval leaves
which are slightly concave. A lovely holly named after Mr. Mundy of
Shipley Hall, Derby. c 1898. m. |
Purple Shaft

A striking, fast growing cultivar with strong dark purple shoots and
abundant fruit. Makes a fine specimen tree. Female. c 1964. |
Ripley Gold

A recently introduced sport of 'Golden King'. The young stems are bright
pink and the young leaves are beautifully shaded green, yellow and
gold. The leaves have a marked twist to them and are very compact.
Female. c 1980. |
Compact, dome-shaped clone with green stems
and large, evenly spined prominently veined leaves. Large scarlet
fruit. Female. c 1899. |
W.J. Bean
Compact holly with large spiny dark green leaves and bright red fruit.
Female. c 1920. |
The Common Holly, seen growing
naturally in our woods and hedgerows, the female trees carrying the red
berries associated with Christmas. There are numerous cultivars with
variously shaped and coloured leaves, different habits and coloured
fruit. They usually make either large shrubs or small trees and are
strongly resistant to industrial conditions. Many are excellent for
hedge making. |

green, very hardy holly with smaller compact leaves and an abundance of
bright red berries. Good for clipping and growing in containers.
Female. c 1960. |

Smooth dark green leaves and lovely apricot berries. Grows to a natural
pyramidal form. Female. c 1950. |

Very small slender spined leaves, making a neat pyramid or spire. Very
compact with purple stems. Good for containers. Male and Female. c 1838. |
Argentea Marginata

handsome fruiting holly with green stems and green silver marginated
leaves. Will make a good bush, tree or hedging plant. Female. c 1770. |
Argentea Marginata Pendula
Known as 'Perry's Silver
Weeping'. In time it forms a beautiful silver weeping dome with masses
of bright red berries. Female. c 1859. |
Dark green spiny leaves. Male c 1960. |

A very attractive green stemmed clone. Dark green leaves edged with
old-gold margins. Scarlet berries. Female. |
'Bacciflava' also known as 'Fructo Luteo'
Shiny dark green almost spineless leaves, with bright heavy-cropping
yellow fruit. Female. c 1775. |
Small lanceolate green leaves edged with
white, sometimes mottled and pinkish. Unusually small leaves for a
female aquifolium. Small bright red berries. |
Very slow growing with dull green like leaves. Cultivated since the mid
1700's. Female. |
The green leaves are strongly twisted, showing their pale green
undersides along the edges. Male. c 1854. |
Crispa Aureopicta
Green leaves with a central gold splash. Tends to revert, but otherwise
a charming addition to a holly collection. Male. |
A handsome silver leafed holly which grows into a beautiful and stately
tree. Male c 1863. |

Hedgehog Holly. The green leaves are puckered and the top surface
covered in short spines. Slow growing and the oldest recorded cultivar
holly. Early 1600's. Male. |
Ferox Argentea

As above, but the spiny leaves edged silver. Slow growing and very
attractive. Male. c 1662. |
Ferox Aurea
Although known since 1750's, we offer a new more golden Ferox, very
attractive and very slow growing. Male. |

The 'moonlight holly'. Softly shaded leaves in yellow green and gold.
Best in a sunny position. Female. c 1854. |
Purple stems and small shining green ovate leaves, evenly spined. Male.
c 1863. |
Frogmore Silver
Small green leaves edged with silver. A very pretty little holly. |
Gold Flash

Green stems and leaves with a gold central splash. A sport of 'J.C. van
Tol'. Female. c 1978. |
Golden Milkboy

Large dark green flat leaves with a very strong shining golden splash
in the centres. The most golden of all the hollies. Male. |
Golden van Tol
A handsome sport of 'J.C. van Tol', with clear-cut gold marginated
leaves. Self-pollinating, with large red berries. c 1900 |
Golden Queen
Broad spiny leaves shaded pale green and grey with a wide gold margin.
Male. |
Grandis - see Silver Queen
'Green Pillar' Erect form
of narrow habit with upright branches and dark green large spiny
leaves. Good berrying and excellent specimen or screening tree and
suitable for tubs. Female c 1971. |
Handsworth New Silver

purple stems with longer silver edged leaves. Will make a handsome tree
or hedging plant. Good red berries. Female. c 1850. |

Narrow green leaves with short spines and red fruit. A neat and dainty
holly with an attractive upright habit. Female. c 1978. |
Narrow dark green shiny leaves, very
like l. 'Angustifolia' and with the same fastigiate habit. Useful
accent plants. Male. c. 1860's. |
Very unusual small rounded tipped leaves with two spines at the base.
Slow growing with purple shoots. Male. c 1863. |
Green leaves dusted with silver. Pink blush on new growth. Male. c 1875. |
J.C. van Tol

Superb dark green shining leaves, almost spineless with huge crops of
bright red berries. Self-pollinating. c 1895. |
A curious form making a low spreading
bush. Long, narrow twisted leaves with irregular spines and prominent
pale green midrib. Female. c 1880. |
Purple stems and ovate green leaves which
twist and turn with a few irregularly placed slender spines. A
fascinating holly for the collector. Female. c 1845. |
Laurifolia Aurea
Small, narrow green leaves edged with a thin band of gold. Male. |
Madame Briot

handsome holly with purple stems and very large spiny leaves, green and
mottled and marginated in yellow and gold. Female. c 1866. |
Maderensis Variegata
An interesting and attractive clone with reddish-purple stems and
yellow and green shading on the almost entire leaves. Male. |
A medium sized tree growing here for many
years, it has variable attractive slightly curled dark green leaves and
long branches of bright red fruit. Female. |
A cultivar of dense habit with bright green
stems and broad, viciously spined curled and twisting leaves. Very
unusual. Male c 1854. |
Myrtifolia Aureomaculata

compact holly with small, evenly spined dark green leaves, which have
pale green shading and an irregular splash of gold. Male. AGM 1984. |
A slow-growing cultivar with purple shoots. The small dark green leaves
are shallowly scalloped along the margin. Male. |
Ovata Aurea

slow-growing clone with short spined leaves marginated gold, which
contrast beautifully with the deep purple twigs. One of the brightest
and neatest of the variegated hollies. Male. c 1874. |
A beautiful deep green weeping holly with wonderful clusters of large
bright red fruit. Female. c 1842. |
A handsome green tree with very abundant
red fruit and almost spineless leaves. A natural pyramidal form.
Self-pollinating. c 1885. |
Pyramidalis Aurea Marginata
A strong growing green
stemmed clone. The leaves are a deep shining green with an irregular
but strongly marked golden margin. Good red berries. Female. |
Pyramidalis Fructeo Luteo
Similar to 'Pyramidalis' in habit, but with large clusters of bright
yellow fruit. Female. c 1950. |
A densely-growing clone with purple twigs and strongly spined dark
green recurved leaves. Male. |
Rubricaulis Aurea

lovely holly with smaller flat oval dark green leaves edged with gold.
The stems are pink and the leaves flush crimson in winter frosts. Red
berries. Female. c 1867. |
Thick, leathery deep green leaves which are spineless and slightly
twisted, with a cup-shaped depression below the apex. Female. |
Siberia® = 'Limsii'
A beautiful new aquifolium from
Holland. Found growing as a seedling by an old hedge and now cultivated
on a large scale. Dark green leaves edged in the pale green from the
underside, purple stems and abundant berries. Female. |
Silver Lining

seedling found here in 1993. Dark green leaves very narrowly edged with
silver. This changes to crimson/red in winter. Small bright red
berries. Female. |
Silver Milkmaid

Small curved green leaves with a central white splash. Slow growing and
with large red berries. Very pretty. Female. |
Silver Queen
The shoots are blackish purple when
young and the leaves broadly ovate, green, faintly marbled grey and
bordered creamy white. New leaves shrimp pink. Male. c 1863. |
Silver van Tol
A sport of 'J.C. van Tol'. It has creamy white leaf margins and
abundant red fruit. Female. c 1977. |
(Waterer's Gold) Slow-growing compact shrub
with yellow-striped green stems. The small leaves are mottled
yellow-green and grey with an irregular yellow margin. Male. |
Weeping Golden Milkmaid
Purple stems, dark green
spiny leaves with bright gold central splash. Makes a very pretty
weeping bush. Bright red berries carried in profusion. Female. |
Green Pillar
Erect form of narrow habit with upright
branches and dark green large spiny leaves. Good berrying and excellent
specimen or screening tree. Female. c 1971. |
Sunny Foster
A slow-growing cultivar with narrow
spiny golden leaves, and small bright red berries. Makes a very
attractive winter statement in a sunny position. AM 1989. |
AQUIPERNYI - '(aquifolium x pernyi)'
Dragon Lady® = 'Meschick'

unusual holly grows as a narrow spire of small almost black five-spined
leaves. With large clusters of small bright berries it makes a very
striking plant. Good for containers. Female. |
San Jose
Dark olive green leaves ovate 1½" - 2" long
and with a narrow pale green edge. Compact unusual holly with lovely
red berries. c 1940's. |
A large shrub closely related to l.
aquifolium but with narrower, less undulate and spiny leaves.
Introduced by Sir Harold Hillier from N. Turkey, Caucasus. |
CORNUTA - '(The Chinese or Horned
Glossy green leaves with creamy white berries. It has a ground-hugging
habit and is very slow growing. Female. |
Large shining dark green leaves and large bright red berries. Female. |
Ira Nelson
Large dark olive green shiny leaves, some
as large as 4", with light green edges. An exciting holly with bright
red berries. Female. c 1957. |
O. Spring
Subtle shaded leaves in soft greens and yellows with a bright gold
splash in summer. Female. |
A dwarf form with compact, rounded habit and strongly spined oblong
leaves. Female. |
Leaves dark green elliptic oblong. Vivid red fruits. Dense broad habit.
c 1960's. |
Dr Kassab
Small dark green leaves irregularly spined with a dense habit. Green
stems and red berries, very unusual. Female. 1948. |

Dark green five spined leaves forming a strong mound. Red berries. A
very dramatic holly. Female. |
Good Taste
Almost square, dark olive green leaves and bright red berries. Very
compact. |
Indian Chief
Small dark olive green triangular leaves and red berries. Pyramidial
form. |
John T. Morris
The male equivalent of 'Lydia Morris' q.v. |
Lydia Morris

Slightly larger dark green leaves, red berries and growing in a large
mound. Both this and 'Drace' are vandal-proof! Female. |
'Mary Nell' (cornuta 'Burfordii' x pernyi) x

Grows as a bush or small tree with very dark green evenly spined shiny
leaves. Female. |
The 'Japanese or Box-Leaf Holly'. This
group of hollies have small almost spineless leaves in various sizes
and shapes. The females have shiny black or yellow berries. These small
and interesting hollies are useful for low hedges, miniature plantings,
bonsai and cloud pruning. We have a collection of crenata cultivars on
display and provide plants for hedging and some open ground specimens
for clipping into cloud trees. |
Braddock Heights
Leaves dark green 2-3cm long. Upright spreading habit. From Maryland,
U.S.A. Female. |
Cape Fear
Leaves dark green, stems brownish on top. Broadly upright habit. Male. |
Carolina Upright
Leaves glossy dark green. Upright pyramidal habit. Male. |
Coles Hardy
Upright pyramidal habit. Very hardy. 1950's. |
Leaves moderate green, convex. Upright spreading habit. A very popular
landscape plant. Female. |
Dark green leaves, black fruits, with a strong upright growth. A very
useful garden plant. Female. |
Leaves dark green 0.5-2cm long. Compact, broadly rounded habit.
Considered to be one of the most cold hardy clones. Male. 1958. |
Golden Gem
Leaves bright yellow, slightly convex to
flat, lower leaves blotchy yellow to green. Dense habit, similar to
'Convexa' and reported to be very hardy. Female.1971. |
Green Island
Leaves dark green, oval. Low, spreading habit and vigorous. I. 1935. |
Green Lustre
Leaves medium green. Low, compact dwarf habit with a vigorous growth
rate. c 1935. |
Leaves dark green. Dwarf dense mounding habit
to lm, usually twice as wide as tall. Popular dwarf landscaping plant.
Female. c 1930's. |
Leaves dark green, convex. Upright spreading habit. Hardy to zone 6a,
popular landscape plant. Female. c 1940. |
Ivory Hall
Leaves light green. Fruits yellow to greenish yellow. Original plant
43cm tall and 71cm wide in 9 years. Female 1965. |
Ivory Tower
Leaves light green. Fruits greenish yellow. Vigorous broadly erect
habit. Female 1972. |
Crenata var. latifolia
Leaves light green with a marked pale centre rib. Vigorous upright
large shrub or small tree. |
Lancasters Gold
Small golden leaves, convex. Small, slow, ground-hugging plant. Black
fruits. Very pretty. |
Leaves dark green, stiff, thick, ovate, 3-16mm long and wide. Fruits
black and abundant. Interesting rock garden plant. Female. |
Leaves dark green and glossy. Very low growing compact habit, slow.
Male. 1965. |
Leaves dark green. Upright habit, single to
multiple stems. Leaves grow very densely and close together. Flowers
fragrant. Male. 1955. |
Prides Tiny
A seedling of 'Green Lustre' 1970's. Compact, low habit. Female |
Leaves softly variegated green with white edges. Fruit black. A very
attractive plant. |
Leaves mid green, 1-1.5cm dwarf compact habit. Very cold hardy. I. 1951. |
Leaves dark green, slightly glossy. Young branches dark purple,
changing to greyish green. Upright habit. 1960's. |
Wiesmoor Silber
Leaves attractively variegated with
grey-green, green and yellowish-white, convex. Slow growing, very
pretty. 1975. Fruits black. |
A small shrub with very pretty dark green tiny spiny leaves. |
Somerset Pixie
Mid green very spiny small leaves and small red berries. Female. |
X KOEHNEANA - '(I. aquifolium x I.
Chestnut Leaf

A small upright tree with terracotta fruit and large long leathery
evenly spined leaves. Female. |
This magnificent species will make, in this
country, a small tree or large shrub up to 7m. Leaves nearly equal in
size to those of Magnolia grandiflora, dark glossy green, leathery,
oblong with serrated margins. Needs a sheltered position. Orange-red
fruits. Japan, China. Introduced 1840. |
X MESERVEAE - '(I. aquifolium x I.
The Blue Hollies |
Blue Angel®
Crisp dark green to purple leaves with soft spines and good berries.
Compact habit. Female. 1963. |
Blue Prince®
Dark green soft spined leaves. Very free-flowering and a good
pollinator. Male. 1964. |
Blue Princess®

Dark green leaves and very abundant bright red berries. Female. 1958. |
Nelson West
Leaves mid olive-green, narrow-elliptic and deeply spined. Male. |
PERADO - '(Susp. platyphylla var.
'Canary Island Holly'. Handsome and unusual form making a small tree,
with large dark green leathery leaves and red fruits. Female. |
A very slow-growing dense holly. It has
small, triangular spiny leaves and bright red fruit. Discovered in
China in 1858 by the Abbé Perny. |
A dwarf, prostrate shrub, forming a low,
dense mound. A very unusual holly and interesting as one of the parents
together with l. aquifolium of the 'Blue Hollies'. |
A rare, small to medium sized shrub of
dense, upright habit. Leathery, glossy, elliptic leaves and red fruit
which develop singly in the leaf axils of the current year's growth. |
X WANDOENSIS - '(I. integra x I.
A natural
hybrid from Korea, the pale undersides of the leaves shine through the
top to create a golden glow. Good red berries. A very unusual form.
Female. Introduced 1980. |